Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

Introduction to Robotics: EV3

Find out how to excite and inspire your students and discover how to integrate robotics into your curriculum. Learn practical ideas and activities to run in your classroom using the latest LEGO MINDSTORMS system and discover why robotics is fast becoming a major tool in the teaching of the Technology, Maths and Science. **No prior experience necessary!**

  • Cost: $295+GST per person
  • Presenter: Dr Damien Kee
  • Brisbane - 18th February
  • Rockhampton - 11th March
  • Townsville - 18th March
  • Cairns - 13th May

Beyond the Basics: EV3

You're confident making your robot mover around and react to sensor input, but looking to push your EV3 kit just a little further? In this workshop, teacher will build and program a range of different activities, from classroom attendance counters, to games to Musical Instruments, all with the standard LEGO EV3 kit. Programming topics will include Data Hubs, Wiring, Switches, Variables, Bluetooth and Datalogging.

  • Cost: $295+GST per person
  • Presenter: Dr Damien Kee
  • Brisbane - 19th February
  • Rockhampton - 12th March
  • Townsville - 19th March
  • Cairns - 14th May

Introduction to Scratch Programming

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art. As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas. This introductory course covers the basics skills necessary to run Scratch activities within your classroom. **No prior programming experience necessary!**

  • Cost: $295+GST per person
  • Presenter: Dr Damien Kee
  • Brisbane - 20th February
  • Rockhampton - 13th March
  • Townsville - 20th March
  • Cairns - 15th May

Introduction to Arduino

The Arduino platform is quickly becoming a popular tool for teaching electronics and programming. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light levels, button push - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED. **Previous programming experience encouraged (LEGO / Python / Scratch etc) but not essential**

  • Cost: $295+GST per person
  • Presenter: Dr Damien Kee
  • Brisbane - 21st February

Introduction to MicroBit - Primary School:

The Microbit is a small and inexpensive programmable minicomputer that your students can use to code a variety of projects such as games and wearable technology. There is no fiddly wiring, making it suitable from middle years all the way to upper secondary schooling. This workshop will lead you through both a graphical programming language that is quick and easy to learn. Participants will get their own MicroBit to take home. **No prior programming experience necessary!**

  • Cost: $295+GST per person
  • Presenter: Dr Damien Kee
  • Townsville - 21st March

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2019 Term 1/2 Workshop Dates   


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